Standard Foundation Stone of times to residential

Building foundation is part of the building which serves to receive loads of buildings to be forwarded to the subgrade, type of foundation there are several kinds depending on soil conditions and types of existing buildings.

Here will be discussed regarding the type of foundation stone of foundation partners, the foundation is used for building a floor with standard construction (type of load ie: wall s / d tile roof with good soil conditions).

The composition of the couple:

* Urugan sand, 10 cm thick at the bottom
* Pair aanstamping / empty stone 20 cm thick sand above urugan
* Pair stone trapezoid shape with a mix of stone / sand + mountain + PC cement and lime, usually used composition 1pc: 3KPR: 10 PSR with a height of 1 ms / d 1.5 m (or more depending on the contour of the land)
* Llebar top miniman 30 cm, bottom width depending on the altitude (the higher the width)

Stages in the implementation:


1. Demolition and Cleanup
2. Cleaning jobs done by removing the grass / soil, waste or other materials that interfere with, cutting down trees and pull out its roots and throw out the location.
3. Soil excavation for the foundation to be adapted to the size of the image, or to the ground hard. When it is necessary to condense the power of good, basic excavation should be compacted / ground.
4. If the excavation depth exceeds the limit must be stockpiled and re-compacted to maximum density.
5. The results of excavation used for stockpiling should be appointed directly to the place planned. While the results of excavation that can not be used for hoarding to be removed.
6. Price unit of work must include all fees jobs, cleaning, rental equipment, stockpiling and disposal of excavation results.


1. The foundation of the building used was the foundation stone / rock mountains that meet the technical requirements or appropriate circumstances on the ground.
2. The couple is from the stone foundation, the size of the foundation in accordance with the plan drawing or foundation stone foundation with adhesive sides 1pc: 3kp: 10 ps and then plastered rough, bottom mounted stone foundation empty (aanstamping) 20 cm thick with sand between them side urug , drenched with water until full and dense and pounded until flat.
3. Large gaps between stones are filled with small stones suitable dense.
4. Pair foundation stone not touch each other and there's always glue them hinga meeting.
5. At times a pair of stone had to be prepared for a column of iron Anker, Anker depth of 30 cm and the length should be casted iron that appears above a minimum of 75 cm.

The foundation stone with additional dolken wood / bamboo terucuk

The foundation stone used to


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